Aligning Behavior
5000 leaders assessed and counting!
Our Leadership Assessment services cover everything from selecting the right assessments, to deploying them, analyzing the results, and presenting them in a clear and actionable report. This supports organizational effectiveness and change efforts.
The Basics
Human Synergistics Accredited User
By analyzing styles and behaviors, workers are able to make informed decisions about their actions and impact as they execute on strategic goals and management of employees.
Behavioral Assessment Tools:
- Life Styles Inventory (LSI): Self and 360
- Leadership Impact (LI): 360 Assessment
- Management Impact (MI): 360 Assessment
Ephektiv is an accredited Superuser of the Human Synergistics suite of assessment tools.
The Life Styles Inventory, Leadership Impact, and Manager Impact assessment tools leverage a normed database assessment originating in the early 70’s. These tools stem from research and theory developed at Chicago University and have been used in thousands of companies world-wide, in nearly every industry.
These tools allow leaders to assess and receive feedback on their perceived behaviors and impact as well as that seen by others. This approach of self-measurement and peer insight provides sound data for personal awareness and change.
The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI):
The LSI assesses and provides feedback on thinking and behavioral patterns that people can change to develop themselves along multiple dimensions, including their ability to understand and manage their emotions. The LSI helps individuals gain self-awareness as well as an understanding of the relationship between personal, management, and leadership styles and effectiveness. Years of research using thousands of data points demonstrates that LSI styles are related to various indicators of individual effectiveness, including quality of interpersonal relations, openness to feedback, stress, salary, and organizational level. Ephektiv is an accredited user of the LSI.
Impact Assessments
The Leadership/Management Impact™ surveys are designed for senior leaders and managers respectfully. These two instruments are a unique assessment that provides feedback on how the leader is motivating direct reports and others to behave. Leaders/Managers learn how their management approaches create the impact that they have on other people and the culture of their organizations. These instruments measure other people’s impressions of the leader/manager’s effectiveness, impact on their behavior, and approach to various responsibilities common to the jobs of most leaders. Ephektiv is an accredited user of the Leadership Impact™ and the Management Impact™.
Deeper Dive
The benefits for your organization
The LSI will help to get your team thinking and behaving to their full potential and contributing to your success as a business and an employer of choice. It’s particularly valuable for helping individuals to:
- discover new ways of thinking and behaving
- improve their effectiveness in their roles
- cope better with stress, pressure, and change
- achieve self-set goals
- apply more flexible and creative thinking
- improve their interpersonal relationships
- increase their personal effectiveness
The LSI can be facilitated by individuals accredited in its use, or a Human Synergistics consultant can work with you to build a custom development program for your organization or the organizations you support. Contact us to talk to an expert.
How it works
The LSI has two parts:
- LSI 1 (self-description): The individual self-assesses their thinking styles, personal effectiveness, and satisfaction at work and home.
- LSI 2 (others’ descriptions): Up to 12 of the focal individual’s peers, managers, and/or subordinates provide feedback on their behavior and effectiveness.
The results and any recommendations are then presented to the individual in a comprehensive, confidential report. When completing both the LSI 1 and LSI 2, they can be compared to identify the individual’s confirmed strengths, unrecognized strengths, blind spots, and stumbling blocks. A Human Synergistics consultant or accredited practitioner guides them through the findings and helps them to develop a strategy to change the way they think and therefore behave.
The LSI surveys are available online and on almost any digital device, as well as in hard copy.
From The Horses Mouth
“The material was exactly what I needed as a frontline supervisor”
“By far the best training I ever attended. The Coaching model provided me the tools to complete effective coaching. I would highly recommend this training for any leader”